What is Harassment? Harassment, even if unintentional, is behaviour which you feel is: UNACCEPTABLE, UNWELCOME OR UNREASONABLE Harassment may be: PHYSICAL eg: touching VERBAL eg: offensive comments NON-VERBAL eg: offensive material, suggestive actions Harassment may be motivated by one or several factors inluding: GENDER, RACE, RELIGIOUS BELIEF, APPEARANCE AND SEXUALITY
HOW TO DEAL WITH IT. If you are being Harassed, you DO NOT have to suffer in silence. You have a number of options open to you to deal with the matter. You may use as many as you feel necessary. OPTION 1. You can try to resolve the matter informally through one or more of the following options: a. Approach the individual(s) involved in person. b. Approach the individual(s) involved in writing. c. Request assistance from a third party to talk with the individual(s) involved, to accompany you or to intervene on your behalf to resolve the matter. OPTION 2. You may submit a formal written complaint using redress of complaints procedures in AGAI Vol 2 Chap 70 - do refer to this as time limits apply, generally 3 months from the incident, in short, you simply have to: a. State the facts eg: who did what,where and when. b. What you want/expect to happen eg: i want the behaviour to stop/i want an apology. OPTION C. If you have submitted a Redress of Complaint, you may also make a complaint to an Industrial Tribunal if Racial or Sexual harassment is involved - refer to AGAI Vol 2 Chap 70 as time limits apply. Where to get advice and assistance. If you are being harassed, the following can offer advice and assistance, also click on the welfare page for contact information and the Military links page. INTERNALLY: * CO/OC * A trusted friend * Unit Equal Opportunites Advisor * Unit Chaplin * Unit Medical Officer * The Forces Legal Services * The Confidential Support Line 0800 731 4880 ** * The Forces Welfare Services EXTERNALLY: * The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) * Your local Citizens Advice Bureaux ** The Confidential Support Lines are open 12 hours a day from 1200hrs to midnight. At other times an anser machine.